Make days longer in real life (1min = +- 1 hour ingame)

I noticed, with growing airports that 1min = 1 hour ingame might be a bit too short.
At first on a small airport the 1min was just fine.

But when the airport grows and you have more than 5 medium stands, 1min per hour might be bit too fast.
Edit: I’m referring here mostly to airplanes sometimes needing hour to get to or from the stand to runway (incl hold time at runway)

I would like to ask developers if they have played around with this a bit?
And maybe see if 1 hour ingame time = 1min 30sec in real life being better (or of course a different ratio).

Does anyone else have thoughts on this?


Would be good to have a slow speed option too. Tho the default speed is fine for now.

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Well, there is clearly an issue with time. A four-hour turnaround time would bankrupt all airlines in the world, though I guess they want to test things out, before reducing it.

1 min - 1 hour ingame time is actually quite alot. There are people who will want to play on low speed (even after optimization). Taking 24 mins to complete a day is already too much.

I think they need to increase (probably double) speed for aircraft movement, loading/unloading bags, etc.

The slow speed option would help with pathfinding for now. If I click on “pause”, the pathfinding queue is not processed anymore, and on normal, it is constantly at maximum length. .5 speed or .2 or .1, while pathfinding is done at normal speed, would help, while clearly telling the player “you are at the maximum airport size your computer can support”.

I completely agree that game days are too short and it should be longer.

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I agree with this especially when it comes to aircraft movement. In real life planes land/take off every few minutes. In airport ceo this process takes way longer reducing the capacity of runways too low. Airports built in the game often need an absurd amount of runways to handle flights. This problem is compounded by the auto-scheduler not staggering flights.
This can be fixed without messing with time though, all you would need to do would be to increase aircraft speed.

I don’t think speeding up the aircraft and facilities would give the right feel for this type of game as it would feel like the aircraft are speeding down the taxiway. In my humble opinion extending the day in real terms would make it feel even more realistic and for the people who want to skip through time there are the fast forward buttons :slight_smile:

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Definitely. In past it was not possible due to memory leak and FPS drops but now people should be able to fast forward as much as they want. For people like us who want to live realism even more… Someone needs to slow the time :slight_smile:

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Thank God I’m not the only one noticing this.

I noticed my takeoffs - on a designated runway is 10 mins apart, which builds up my queue of planes.

Taxi-ing takes relatively long too. From one side to the next - in a standard square could take 1-2 hours.

Also, has the turnaround time been defined as touchdown time to leaving the stand time? It seems to have done so.

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