Make cars/trucks drive more smooth

from watching the video the vehicles dont drive/turn that smoothly and it would be nice if it was improved (maybe it already is being improved)


Those are details that will be polished later. Right now the focus is getting stuff to work :slight_smile:


As i’m sure you can imagine, you’re not the only one who’s noticed this. The devs do know about it and somewhere on their todo list is to improve this, I can’t remember which thread it is but it has been discussed previously.

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As you’ll see in the next video, we’ve implemented a path smoothening system for the aircrafts and will copy paste that to the vehicles. As pderuiter said, this is considered a small detail and might be implemented as of the imminent pre-alpha release or not depending on wether @Fredrik sees that it’s wort looking into.


Will this include aircraft choosing the nearest taxiway? Because I also noticed that the aircraft would make a u-turn on the runway

U-turn has been fixed, see latest devlog.

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