Long Loading Screen

Is anyone having problems with the long loading screens, I start a new game and it stays on the same screen for up to a half hour and I’ve tries restarting everything but that doesn’t help. So is there any way round this problem?

Sounds like there’s an issue with your save. Can you check the GameData.json file and tell me if it contains data?

Im not sure if ive got the right .json file here but this is information is from the gamesetting.json file.

Should be fine then, however your issue sounds strange unless you have an insanely large airport. Can you submit a bug report and include the savefile and output_log file so that I can check it out?

It even happens when I create a new airport and will send a bug report ASAP

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I have the same problem and also have low fsp that then make the game unpalatable then I have to start a new airport

I don’t have low FPS but it just takes forever to actually do anything,

At how many passengers? We’re currently having a bottleneck in our path finding system that we will work in early Q1 2018. In general, the less complex your terminal design is the better the path finding will perform. Kinda resembles life, as the easier path a passenger has to walk the quicker it goes.

What do you mean? Also, what was your bug number? ACEO-… ?

I didn’t record the bug number.

The issue has seemed to resolve itself since today’s release

From what I now understand they are looking at low fps in the new year