List if ideas from a new player

After putting in way to many hours playing this game for a week or so here are some issue I had/have. BTW I love the game so this not a complaint list but just my stumbling blocks while starting. I consider myself a veteran of Sim games over the years all the way back to DOS based games.

  1. (Paused Game Building $$$) I like pausing the game and building so not to have people and planes getting in my way. But as a build this game doesnt take away money until I press play again so I have to guess how much money I have spent so not to build more then i can afford.

  2. (Income Balancing) I found the trick for lots of money is to build a bunch of Shops/Food rooms and you start raking in money no matter how big your airport is. So I see 2 eras: Preshop Era and Postshop Era. I struggled to make good profits before you get the ability to build shops but once you build them and sign contracts its hard to not to make profits per hour.

  3. (Plane Pathing) The logic of plane pathing seems to make them stop and wait way to much when facing oncoming traffic. I seen a few people building 2 taxiways side by side to make nothing but intersections but to me it made it worse. The only way I can keep planes moving is to make the whole taxiway system a giant loop to avoid oncoming traffic. If you keep this logic can you create one-way taxiways to help?

  4. (Baggage Handling) After searching the internet for help to get my baggage system to work it seems many people have this problem. So my tip would be to have better step-by-step instructions. For troubleshooting instead of having 1 generic message box telling you your cargo bay unable to open have it more specific to why it wont open like. “This Cargo Bay is not connected to a stand”, “This Cargo Bay has no correct path to its Check-In Desk”, or “This Check-In desk is not connected to a Cargo Bay”

  5. (Item Button Overcrowded) The build buttons on bottom left are confusing and unbalanced. “Structures” has a few items, “Inferstructures” has a few, and everything else gets thrown in the “Item” button.

  6. (No Spam) I dont like “Anti-Spam Filter”. Noone likes spam. I dread going thru my real e-mail box due to spam so dont care to much for it in the game. Because of the Spam Mails I just avoided my mail in the game altogether. It seems to only be receipts for stuff anyways.

  7. (Keyboard Hotkeys) I searched everywhere in the game while playing looking for a keyboard hotkey reference before I found F1. So you have to hit a hotkey to see the list of hotkeys? Would be helpful for a link to hotkeys either in “?” button or where you have gameplay settings and control settings.

  8. (Procurements Tab) The procurements tab to me is the most valuable and frequently visited areas in the game and really needs to stand out more for easy use by the following…

    8A. It should have its own button on the gameplay screen and not hidden in the last page of the budget window. I find myself constantly going to it ordering trucks and looking for new items to unlock.

    8B. “Dashboard” goes to a window labeled “Dashboard”, “Operations” goes to a window labeled “Operations”, and so forth but why does “Economy” go to a window labeled “Budget”?

    8C. At the top of the procurements page is list of filters. Vehicles and System filters work ok because there is more than 1 option but on “Structures”, “Items”, and “Others” filter does not work when clicking “All” under it.

    8D. The last improvement I think would help make procurements area better is to make it into a grid with icons and not a long up-down list I keep having to scroll thru looking for something new that got added to the list and having the items not yet unlocked grayed out. Everyone loves looking at stuff they cant use yet! So by seeing a list of things you cant use yet makes people set goals to unlock it. I know there is that Requirement: part but all future items should be listed somewhere for people to look forward to. A example for me would be “Night Flights”. I read someone talking about flying at nights and as soon as I read that post I went straight back to the game looking to see if it was on my list. I thought “Night flights! Cool! More money 24/7 not just daytimes.” I looked for it on my list for its requirements wondering what I had to do to unlock it but it never showed up until I got to International Airport. If not grayed out icons how about putting it on the list with a filter on top label “Unlockable” or something like that.

Again, I love the game! This was just a few things I saw as a new player with a fresh set of eyes.


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