Hello all!
As has been mentioned in an earlier development blog, we’re currently performing quite substantial infrastructure changes in relation to the operation of our websites (www.airportceo.com and www.apoapsisstudios.com) as well as the Forum.
We’re currently in the process of switching DNS provider (including switching name servers) as well as e-mail provider which shouldn’t, but could, result in minor accessibility issues with reaching our top domains. When this has been completed we will step by step relief the old closet server of its duties and move services to a new VPS which also could result in slighter minutes of downtime.
For the larger switch, when the Forum is moved, it will inevitably mean at least a few hours of Forum downtime since we don’t want to keep the old instance running and cause posted messages not to show up on the new Forum instance. When this service window is scheduled we’ll let you know the date and length in a separate post as well as on the various other channels!
TL;DR: We’re changing hosting providers which may interrupt access to websites and forum for slight periods of time.