Large Stand Question

Are all large stands international?? Can I have them set as domestic so I don’t have to set up passport control?

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Yes, you can set them to domestic but you need to turn on “Realistic International Stands” in the settings.

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you need to turn on “Realistic International Stands” in the settings.

However it is highly suggested for experienced CEOs to use this feature.


I never could understand that statement in the settings menu. If I don’t want international flights, then just turn this on. Why does it require an “experienced CEO”? Or, is that an inside joke?

ACEO must be playable for users who are not affine with airport management. The simple version with L Gates = international and all other gates are domestic is an easy entry for them.
Means as soon as they come to the part where they can expand their airport with large gates, they know they have to build a passport control and an international zone.

Do the passport control gates and international things get unlocked with the 1st commercial license if I turn it on?

@andyc, You use the term “affine”

According to Merriam-Webster “affine” means:

of, relating to, or being a transformation (such as a translation, a rotation, or a uniform stretching) that carries straight lines into straight lines and parallel lines into parallel lines but may alter distance between points and angles between lines

And BTW, my Medium Gates were also set to International, not domestic, by default.

And BTW, my Medium Gates were also set to International, not domestic, by default.

That doesn’t suppose to happen. Make sure to check game settings and if everything is fine, file a bug report. It is highly possible that you may using an old save game from previous versions.

I never could understand that statement in the settings menu. If I don’t want international flights, then just turn this on. Why does it require an “experienced CEO”? Or, is that an inside joke?

The thing is, this feature is and will be not explained on in-game tutorial of AirportCEO or in any Apoapsis Studios related materials. It is a deep sea in the game with no mapping so if someone who doesn’t know what he is doing chooses this option, he may find himself in deep trouble by ending with unplayable gameplay scenario. This can also lead to bad reputation in gaming community. That’s why that warning was written on options.

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