Large Gates

I’m a real noob (hence my username), but I think I have a suggestion for large gates. Maybe we could make them have multiple jetways to speed up boarding/deboarding of larger planes like the 777, a340 and the sort.

Here’s an example (foreground):

Welcome to the forums! :slight_smile:

For sure this is something that will be added in later on. However, there is a lot of bug fixing and optimization to work on before the game is ready to handle anything larger than a 737-800 for the time being I think. But, sit back, relax and enjoy your stay as well all wait for larger aircraft together :stuck_out_tongue:

The large gates are being developed but it will have downsides due to lag and the large amount of people that board.

I was wondering if developers could adopt the “real world” approach - that is letter naming convention for both gates and airplanes.

FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13, Airport Design
(Airplane Wingspan)

Group I - < 49’ (15m)
Group II - 49’ (15m) - <79’ (24m)
Group III - 79’ (24m) - <118’ (36m)
Group IV - 118’ (36m) - <171’ (52m)
Group V - 171’ (52m) - <214’ (65m)
Group VI - 214’ (65m) - <262’ (80m)

ICAO Annex 14 - Aerodrome Reference Code
(Aeroplane Wingspan; Outer Main Gear Wheel Span)

Code A - < 15m (49.2’); <4.5m (14.8’)
Code B - 15m (49.2’) - <24m (78.7’); 4.5m (14.8’) - <6m (19.7’)
Code C - 24m (78.7’) - <36m (118.1’); 6m (19.7’) - <9m (29.5’)
Code D - 36m (118.1’) - <52m (170.6’); 9m (29.5’) - <14m (45.9’)
Code E - 52m (170.6’) - <65m (213.3’); 9m (29.5’) - <14m (45.9’)
Code F - 65m (213.3’) - <80m (262.5’); 14m (45.9’) - <16m (52.5’)

This would imply quite a lot of rework considering current situation, but otherwise it would be real-world counterpart, 100%. Also, F size is currently only for one plane, mighty A380, so this one could be skipped for quite a time. If we look at current range (up to 737), one would need to implement A,B and C size gates, and this would pretty much be only one size expansion (say one between small and medium, more or less).



I actually really like that idea, it would provide more variation within the existing gameplay, and helps contribute to realism. My only area of uncertainty is with how scaling would work, I’m not sure if it would be an issue or not.

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