JPA - Jordan Philpott Airlines

Hey! :small_airplane: :pen: :paintbrush:

You want to compete in the airline design contest, nice! Please fill out the below information to make sure that your submission gets the best exposure.

Title your submission topic with the name of your airline and when youโ€™re done, make sure to remove this block text.

Airline Design Contest Submission

Airline Name: JPA - Jordan Philpott Airlines.

Airline Description: JPA is a global Award Winning Large International low Cost Airline, JPA has grown globally and is a very popular low cost airline which is a large aircraft airline which has been flying for 50 years. JPA offers the very best in service and operates the best of the best with the A320 as its flagship aircraft. JPA operates in Europe but offers Long haul to America and also Dubai and Asia.

Airline CEO Name: Jordan Philpott.


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Nice, I have 2 suggestions;

  1. place writings close to windows and try to give effect of curve of airplane.
  2. Use an outline for the writing, I donโ€™t know which color fits bug it should be the negative color of orange and turqoise. Maybe Black.

thanks for the advice il look into improving it