It really needs tutorials

Especially for the baggage system. I’m completely lost as to how to get it to function properly and the lack of any sort of manual with in-depth, step by step instructions and examples is absolutely necessary.


Did you check Manuals in the management panel or you mean that this did not suffice?

Absolutely did not suffice, IMHO. The other aspects can be learned via the manual and quite a bit if trial and error, but the baggage portion of the manual explains why you should do ‘things’ but doesn’t explain how to do them. I’ll be putting ACEO away until this is remedied.

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I completely understand and agree. We have learnt a great deal today about what aspects of the game that are too complex and will work on both ends, gameplay wise and tutorial wise, to try and ease the learning curve. This will be of highest priority after we’ve gotten through the most critical bugs.


This, the baggage system is complex and the tutorial needs fleshed out. Also there is a bug with the arrows on the belts, regardless of how you place it, random directions may appear after built.


The game is full of realism! Can’t wait to see the catering and cleaning services come to life.

Also incidents are not implemented at this time, right?

Also, idk if this a bug or something else but there is no products on my shop shelves, despite contract being signed?


How do I switch the types of fuel tanks? I’ve tried everything and nothing works. I read the manuals but I can’t seem to find anything about it… So I can’t supply jetA1 fuel…

Have you procured the JETA1 technology? You should be able to select from the placement panel and choose the variation there.

That’s the problem. I can’t build the depot it won’t let me switch to jetA1 from the build menu is there a certain key to change it?

Also I did Procure it.

You need to hover over the fuel depot in the build menu until the submenu comes up so you can select JetA1 :blush:

You guys should allow the community to help you out with anything like bugs and expansions because judging by how iv explored the game so far it needs a lot of work

What do you expect it - it is called EARLY ACCESS for a reason.


A few quick tut videos on YT would certainly help and would negate any sort of game/UI additions, at least in the mean time.

They so far have only requested people to find bugs. They need more assistance then that

Having read all of the 'in game manuals" - I still have zero luck with the baggage system. This really needs to have a better tutorial, or, at least an in game link to an online tutorial so people can understand it better.

The cargo bay has to be placed inside, but there are symbols in my game (I assume road connection) required. How do I put a road IN a building? How does the lift tray work? Where to the scanners and kicker get placed? Please explain better.

It would be nice if there were a key legend for all the symbols and specifically what they mean.

So far, the baggage system is the most maddening thing to work with.

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The cargo bay has to be placed inside, but there are symbols in my game (I assume road connection) required. How do I put a road IN a building?

You can always build service road in foundations.

How does the lift tray work?

It just divert baggages. I haven’t even need to use any other option than “to destination” on tilt trays.

Where to the scanners and kicker get placed?

You can place anywhere you want as long as they do purposes.

Just do some try and errors, watch youtube tutorials and after a point you will create your own designs even without noticing :slight_smile:

Can you give me a good tutorial link?

I don’t know I learned everything by myself.

Oh… your reply early mentioned YouTube tutorials.