Individual Design of the gate

So in a normal airport, they have gates dedicated to a certain airline with that airlines added flair and style. About a contest for the design of the gates for certain airline? A nice touch of realism!

Well considering the top-down view of the game plus the fact there’s already a contest for Airlines, I’d think they’ll just match the colors of the winners there to the gates that are allocated to them, maybe even automatically


It’s not normal worldwide, though. Emirates will obviously have that in Dubai for obvious reasons, and it is quite common in the US. Here in the UK though (and in most of Europe for that matter) most gates aren’t dedicated to an airline and they’re all used interchangeably. In Edinburgh, for example, there is a BA desk at one of the gates (Gate 10 rings a bell, might be wrong), but they will otherwise use a wide range of gates, and indeed there are instances when Gate 10 is used by another airline whilst BA are parking planes elsewhere.

A few airports may have them like Dubai (which 95% is Emirates flights), but for major airports like Amsterdam, London Heathrow etc., it is not that beneficial to create a gate which is dedicated to just one airline. It would not be beneficial when all gates are being used and the only open gate is a gate which is dedicated to another airline.

On the other hand this feature might be used when player created multiple terminals in future.

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Maybe not for gates, But id love to see Automatic Coloring based on if the airline requires a dedicated check in desk as part of the contract negotiation process.

since in game vid 3 (i thinK) they had an option to pick the location of the airport. In the US/North America, that could be a feature.

I really can’t see them making a region specific feature like that. It would probably require a complete redesign for not very much of a result. I’m not convinced it’s going to add much for gameplay.


Agreed. I feel like that takes way too much time away from the actual game, also where it won’t be a feature that’s really “essential.”

Go Broncos lol

Most of it isn’t gates normally it’s a whole terminal

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