Increasingly cheaper manual runway size

Hi Guys!

Just sending my first post on the forum, riding on the momentum generated by the hype of the third Gameplay Video!

The idea came up as follows: I was planning the layout of my future airport and then I thought: “Ok, let’s start small… just a few GA’s that don’t need a longer runway… just to get the gist of it”. But then occur to me that, planning ahead, I needed to leave a free space for a future runway upgrade.

Maybe is getting too deeper, but it would be nice to have the ability to drag and drop a runway, so that each additional tile would cost a little less than the previous one. That is, not linearly proportional cost (something like exp(-1/x)). That means I would have another path to follow, viz, I can aim high and invest a lot of money by buying a longer runway at a higher upfront cost, but that could maybe save me thousands in the long term.

Of course just having some categories (small, medium and large) would do the trick, but thinking ahead, I don’t feel like losing money by deleting a small runway only to order the construction of a larger one, would have the same appeal. Having more flexibility on the construction, would mean that, If I built a small runway at the beginning and later decide that I want to expand, those extra tiles would cost a fortune!!

Anyway, I hope that this raises a better discussion about ideas to add economically profitable/risky decisions to the game.

PS: Sorry for the long post… as it is my first, I don’t quite knew how to express myself precisely.

Keep up the amazing work!!!

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As i recall from gameplay video 1 there is currently only 1 runway and its a single plop. It would be great to have custom size runways. Maybe an airline requires a certain length and yours is just a bit short, you could add length as needed. Would love to see this idea in game.

I assume if they stick to single plops that you could upgrade a runway for a cost and it would make a small into medium or large assuming you have room.

PS, welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forum!

Already implemented. Runways are classified by CATI, CATII and CATIII and they are either small (narrow) or large (wide).

You can today have multiple runways and while they are placed by a single plop that plop indicates the shortest length of the runway. The runway can be upgraded in length but also converted to asphalt or degraded to grass.

A certain aircraft can only land on a corresponding runway class, i.e. a B767 cannot land on a small grass runway commonly used by smaller Cessnas.

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Your suggestion blended greatly with the idea. The additional planning involved in aiming for the fancier airlines would definitely make you step back and think again if you buy or not this extra tile. And that’s really the core of my idea.

I feel this is one rare game where one can feel free to suggest crazy in depth features without being afraid of unmotivated community/developers (as I already noticed reading other posts).

Thanks for your input!

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Thank you!!

Well, there you go! Already implemented! Nicely done!

Yeah… I guess the nostalgia/satisfaction of plopping a runway from thin air is a great feature of this genre.

And coming to think of it, it wouldn’t make much sense having a runway’s length between two classifications, i.e., CATI, CATII and CATIII… you would be just spending extra money and getting nothing in return…

Thanks a lot for your responses… In my head was a cool idea, but discussing with you guys shed some light on it, that I haven’t noticed.

Again, keep up the amazing work!

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