Increase Number of Contractors Above Contracted Limit

When working on very large modifications to the airport, such as adding a new concourse, it would be beneficial to add additional personnel to the construction contractors. Three ideas:

  1. More than one contractor contract. Thus, the player could hire and fire the entire contracting team at once.

  2. Use the additional buttons on the Contractor window to increase up to, say 50%, of the contract maximum. Premium contractors cost an additional 25% each. Fire the premium contractors with another set of buttons as currently done with non-premium.

  3. Slider on Review Contract window to add up to, say 50% of the contract maximum. Additional contractors cost an additional 25% each. Setting the slider to 0 then fires all the additional premium contractors.


OR you can just sign a 4 star contract which allows 230-ish contractors and I am sure it will be enough to build anything.

If it doesn’t there is always an option to disable construction simulation on F10 menu.

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Haven’t seen a four-star. Which is another reason to allow this option.

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There are. Unfortunalety default game doesn’t show them. Same thing goes for 1 star contract which have 25-35 contractor. I use ACEOMM and they spawn fine.

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Tbh i hope contracting work gets some love in the futurw and you would need different contractors for i.e. building a terminal and decorating it. (Or at least have the option to hire a 5 star firm that gives decoration hapiness bonuses)
That would mean you get multiple contractor contracts.


I hope they do away with the contracting thing. I cannot see how either the current shallowness or an added depth in there could be beneficial to an aiport simulator. Usually you would hire a specialist for everything - one specialist contractor for the beams, one for the roof, one or more for the tarmac, one for the water, one for electricity, and so on, or a general contractor, but that general contractor will still use specialists under the hood. Right now, when I build 100 toilets, 100 people install toilets, and when I build light poles, 100 people install light poles. The only thing I have to care about right now is whether I have too many contractors for pathfinding to route them in time (or too slow a CPU).

For a tad bit of realism, the whole thing has to be rethought:

  • Foundations have to be set by defining width and height (“I want 10 by 10 there and 10 by 15 there”). Cost of these foundations is the size multiplied by the length of the shorter side. Every foundation requires at least X% (30-50) of the outer boundary walls to be kept (as structural walls). You cannot build a ten by ten foundation and then decide to remove the middle part, because this will bring down the roof, crashing.
  • Certain items can be built in parallel (like multiple foundations), some only one after the other. Items are in different item groups which require different subcontractors, so the tarmac+foundation guys may idle and the toilets are installed slowly because the available plumbers can only do so much.
  • …

But now for the best: Every of these ideas is not a hard requirement for an airport simulator. If I want a building general contractor simulator, I may find a good one on Steam, I guess.

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Four star will show up if you grow your airport over time.

250 workmen would be nice though :wink:

Airport CEO_2018-01-16_05-33-55

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Everyone seeks something different. I would like more realism across the board.

  • Construction materials
  • construction vehicles
  • Hindrance for pax and aircraft
    Meaning i would have to plan any large construction project to prevent delays for aircraft etc.

But in this case having options and adding gameplay elements (beauty, pax rating, etc) for players to consider doesnt sound like a bad thing :slight_smile:
Having a simple terminal to start with, but upgrading it to an award winning architectural masterpiece…

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I have 24 Medium Stands and thousands of pax running about. I’m earning $60,000 per hour. Still no four-star contractors.

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Monitor it for a while, they will show up now and then, they are not there 24/7

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