Hello community,
I’ve been playing the game for about a year. For me, it’s very successful. I also like the 2D mode with the details. The game has a lot of potential to give more depth for more game experience.
Compared to Sim Airport i like that its more serious and detailed.
Question from my side ( iam not a programmer :)):
i read a lot about Modding here in the Forum.
Further developments will not including anymore in the game i saw as statement from the developers. Its possible to develop the game via Modding?
All the basics are in the game. As End User i would pay for futher updates which can provide in packages. From my point of view its better to improve the game instead of thinking make it in 3D etc…
Example: to give the game more user experience
Crew simulation: Including briefing before departure. (i.e. there is a room which is set up for crew (analog to staff room) .
Crew meets there before departure for briefing. (Depending on the size of the aircraft, the crew varies in number. Outfit according to the airline )
Pax: add childs, add wheelchair users
cargo: including charge dilivery by trucks
Thanks a lot!!