I generally find it very difficult to fulfill shop and food contracts in-game – there never seem to be much customer demand, and I find the staff take their breaks at the most…“ideal”…of times
Staff break times aside, are there any strategies or methods to attract more customers to the airport shops that anyone wants to share?
Just like a real airport putting the shop near the flow of the passengers really helps but yes it seems really hard to get a decent level of sales. Not sure how to make the shops be staffed consistently as mine seem to be closed at the busiest times?
I tend to force people to walk through restaurants and shops by putting them right after security, right before the secure zone exit, etc. so they have to walk through them to get where they want. It still doesn’t get enough to reach the bonus goal but it definitely increases the sales.
Having shops close to the main flow of people certainly helps. I’m regularly hitting the sales target on 1 of my 4 food places but none of my 4 shops. But I’m handling 44 medium and 20 small commercial flights every day. So it does take a lot of passengers to hit the numbers