How many staff do i need?

Hi, i just want to know if there is a number of staff by categorie wich i had to have so my airport is fully functional, By example, need 4 securiti staff by security checkpoint, or 3 plataform staff by stand, etc.


That may be one of the great mysteries of our time.

Honestly though, I suppose one could gin up a spreadsheet that would calculate minimum values taking services, numbers, hours, and flights into consideration, but hopefully the devs will provide some sort of guidance or insight.

I just keep hiring staff until all the warning icons go away. Still making $25-$30K an hour net with ~150 employees. (hint: retail and food venues are huge revenue sources on their own; no flights needed)

thanks, ill do the same

Just set the salary modifier for staffs at minus percentage. That’ll help you with your money problems (seriously, making +40k/hour with just 6 GA stands but ~60-ish employees)

Here’s a few off the top of my head.
4 security per big security. Pretty much need them the whole time or they will distribute themselves across all available x-ray and not fully man them.
1 sec guy for small security.
2 per check-in desk/ boarding desk. The boarding gates won’t be needed until after check-in for the flight closes. Make sure to set staff to ‘2’ at the desks.

As many ramp agents that you have set in your baggage bays plus you need 4 to conduct service round and offloading/loading. I tend to aim to have each stand covered by 4 but I imagine a ramp crew can do a couple of stands if your flights are staggered well.

I add more janitors if there is still messy floor by the time the morning pax arrive.

A few service techs. If something breaks, get more.

This seems to work for me.

I concur four ramp agents per stand for medium stand and push it up to three per side of baggage bay. That should cover you. Hire one or two extra and keep an eye out for delayed notices and check to see if it’s always the same guy and axe him and things will get straighten out fast :). Two airport workers per desk, check-in, information and boarding; they switch so keep crew rooms close to the action so they don’t stray to far. I also have a small security point just for employees to get them in quickly.


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