Gryphon Airlines

Airline Name: Gryphon Airlines

Airline Description: Founded in Griffton California, Gryphon Airlines has been reliably flying passengers and cargo across the North American Continent since 1940 and transported troops to Europe during WWII. We aim to be pleasing to our customers while still providing affordable flights to everywhere there’s demand to go.

Airline CEO Name: Damien Osman

Airline Design Image:

They shut down the contest before 11:59 UTC. It was 11:49 when I tried to submit this but they tweeted it was closed 39m ago.
But here it is.

We’ve never said UTC but UTC+1 or GMT+1, but don’t worry, I make exceptions. :slight_smile:


Thank you, I worked hard and put my heart and soul in this, so I appreciate still being considered.
Fly safe!