Groundhandling management idea

i have an idea to like put in a system where you can upgrade your company everytime you get extra rep.
So let me explain i put this big picture here to explain.

So when your opening your Airport youll need to like build a seperate building with garage space in it for example the ground handling. So after you build it you have to assign a space where there is a staff room offices and a garage and an open space to store the vehicles. but of course the cars will be small cuz if you can implement that you have to build up the airport by starting of with small planes, the vehicles will small so you dont need alot of space but when you upgrade your airport to like D-Class airport youll need bigger vehicles so youll have to expand the garage and the open air space this will need to be like planned from before. and this will go through all the classes. Now if your starting up youll need to get a Tier 5 company that helps your ground handling so youll have to build the stuff first assign places and then assign what company youll use, But every company has it good things a bad things. So let me explain this like Swissair for exaple has a positive treaty or whatever and that would be like its precise and has decipline so there staff team woulds be less fast to go on strike but the negative thing is like they are lazy that kinda thing so you start of with low tier and you go all the way up and to upgrade to like a new company but a higher tier youll need to get rep points. you can maybe earn them by getting planes to departure at right times that there is no delay ect.

I really would like to have this is cuz that would be again micro maneging stuff and i like that.


sounds very cool I would like that implimented

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