Grössere Zoomstufe

Guten Tag zusammen

Gibt es einen Mod welcher das stärkere Rauszoomen als im Standartspiel erlaubt?
Ich möchte gerne das ganze Airportareal am Bildschirm darstellen.
Vielen Dank schon mal für Eure Inputs.

Gruss Cyrill

Hallo und Willkommen

Bitte beachte, dass die Forum-Sprache Englisch ist. Daher kommt meine Antwort unten in Englisch. Es ist niemand böse wenn man einen Translator verwenden muss. :wink:

Regarding your question: Modding does not allow such things. We can only “paint” aircrafts, logos, stickers and create new businesses.
It is also possible to play around in the savegame files. But there you sadly can’t change the max zoom range.

The only way to take a big picture is to make several screenshots and merge them together as I did in this example. :slight_smile:

Translation of their post from our friend, google translate:
Good day everybody

Is there a mod that allows you to zoom out more than in the standard game?
I would like to display the entire airport area on the screen.
Thank you very much for your input.

Greetings Cyrill

Thank you for the answer, I almost thought so. By the way: Nice airport, are the frames still reasonably good?