Graphics: Gaps in tiles and flooring

Not really a question with this one, but thought I would bring it up, since I have seen the same in PA, although mainly when using modded tiles which I assume were a pixel out.

Basically, In the EA Trailer, I noticed a few times that artifacts would show (as in black/white lines) between tiles, such as flooring and conveyors at the following times:

These start at the specific times:


Unrelated, in one of the devlog images, specifically this one:

Is it just me, or does that floor tiling really mess with your head ( as in, an optical illusion).
It looks like it’s all skewed, although it isn’t.

Now for a question…I’m sorry if I missed it mentioned previously (if it has)

With some floor types, perhaps carpets / fairly plain tiles, is it possible to customise the color in a similar way as you can furniture (which is fantastic)?
If not, that would be cool and also prevent cluttering up the UI with multiple tiles for different colors (as is the problem with PA and similar games)

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I can see it a little bit but not much

Try the floor tiling one full screen, it’s not so bad as an inline image.

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