General airport operation ideas

Hey guys, awesome work so far… still few things to think about and here is my take on things

  1. Runways and stands decay, yes it does happen but too fast here… so i suggest slowing it down quite a bit and then when needed have maintanance crews, which would require you to shut off the gate/runway and have crew fix it… maybe put research for better crews, better equipment which would lead to faster repairs… like in real life most of them are required to be done fast, even over night.

  2. Runways sizes - yes we can make them longer but there are some bugs in them when its longer you cant place runway leading lights to the ends… maybe its just me…

  3. STANDS or gates, would be awesome to be able to add the power connection handled by ground crew… as well as pushback cars. Power connection is crucial in the airport operations…

  4. as you have already added on stands the in ground fuel ports, might be good idea to implement them with pump trucks where available…

all the extras you cant just build, you need to research, and it can go in long details… like conveyer system laying out pipes is strategic and functional…

  1. Adding cargo boxes that fit under belly… adds more realism with 2 more vehicles that do them… ads time too for plane to be finished and ready

  2. this one to me is the most important ----- TIME of turnover seems very very long 3 hrs on ground for a plane is huge… todays turnovers are arround 30 min for everything to be done — this could be also affected by research tech to cut down that planes are on the ground which in turn would make airport more profitable because they could fit maybe 3-5 more planes in timeframe.

  3. change it to actual calendar days/months/years pls… make it realistic.


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