Game Freezing Constantly

Hey @Fredrik & @Olof

I was hoping that you could help me out. I’ve contacted all the staff before you and Alpha testers trying to get this problem solved on Discord. After quite a bit of trying I’ve decided to come to the forums to seek help.

So I’ll start up the game and then from there I’ll go and start playing and about 5-10 minutes or less the game will freeze and by freeze I mean the sound will be playing and I can hear my mouse cursor go over buttons and I can see it moving, the cursor but the actual game does not move, it’s frozen in time. That’s the current issue I’m facing.

I’ve checked min specs & I’ve tried bumping my graphics as well as anything else I could think of such as saving the airport and restarting and so on and so forth but it seems to carry on freezing everytime. I’m trying not to collect over 2 hours on the game so I can still do a refund if needed.

I hope that won’t be needed and we can get this fixed.

Kind regards

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Are you on 0.21.3?

Yes sir.

Hmm, strange I have not heard about this before. Can you send a bug report including the save?

I will do in just a momment it’s not a paticular save it’s just randomly happens for me. Though I’ll send the save file I have.

Can you try and find the output_log.txt in \Steam\SteamApps\common\Airport CEO\Airport CEO_Data?

There is no output_log.txt

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If needed we could hop in a Discord voice chat and we could screenshare, I’ll let you control the mouse you can play airport ceo and test it out as well as check through everything.

I have the same issue, no output-log.txt exists where it should.

i found my file in User-appdata\locallow\ApoapsisStudios\AirportCEO