Game doesn't load properly

My game is stuck at loading screen. Does anyone have the same problem? How to fix this issue?

Yeah many of us have that problem, seems to be mod-related. Do the following and see if that does any help: Go to “Modding” in game main menu, deselect any of your activated mods, go back to main menu, back to “Modding” again, reselect the mod that you just disabled, load your save game. Does the job for me.

I don’t have and install any mod in the game. It just stuck at loading screen. Anyone have the same problem? How to fix it?

Never heard of that before…Just out of curiosity, why don’t you just download any mod and see if what I suggested works? At least you might be able to play the game again until the devs come up with a solution.

I think we need some more information:

  1. Are you on the latest game version?
  2. At what stage does it stuck?
  3. Can you send the save file to us so that we can try loading it and see what happens? If so then [email protected] is where you’d send it! :slight_smile:

Does this happen for new mods?

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I’ve been on experimental as long as I can think back, so I’m always on the latest version.
In my case, just as described by others before, it stucks at “Preparing businesses and mods”. I’ve had the same mods active for months now and there was never a problem. Just as I described before, going to the “Modding” section in main menu, deactivating any mod, going back to main menu, again to “Modding” and reactivating the mod that I just deactivated before makes the save game load without a problem. Occurs with any of my save games but I’m happy to send you my latest one of course.

So it happens every time you launch the game?

Positive, save game folder sent.

And just FYI, yes, the game-data.json file is edited but same thing happens with an unedited save game file.

I just tried the save and managed to load it without errors, so it has to be as you say, some kind of mod error (I tried both without mods, and some mods added).

It’s not good that a broken mod freezes the loading sequence so will have that fixed at least. It’s weird though, as you describe in another thread, that it works if you disable and then reenable one of the mods. Will have a look at that as well.


What mods do you use?

Thanks for looking into it folks. I have a few mods that I made myself and a few workshop ones. All airlines/liveries except one shop and restaurant mod. Weird thing is that even if I disable ALL mods, about half of the time it freezes upon loading. Also weird as Alexander pointed out already is, that just de- and reactivating any mod immediately solves the problem. As I said, I have been using these mods for months now without a problem. Could it be due to the updated shop and restaurant goods? Good thing is that I can still play it though. Hopefully you’ll be able to find the cause.
Since I have your much appreciated attention for the time being I hope you don’t mind me asking about the grid layer in building mode not covering the whole area anymore since Alpha 33? Did you encounter the same when loading my save?

The grid covers the standard map size, modifying worldsize is at own risk and unsupported, i can know as almost no bug report of mine ever makes it to the jira.

Might be, hard to say! (haven’t had time to look into it yet)

What dewitjur said :slight_smile: We know about it, and a fix might come in the future, not a high priority right now though.


  1. My game version is v33.5-3
  2. It’s stuck at loading screen, “Preparing businesses and mods”. I don’t have any mod install in my previous game.
  3. I will send my save game soon.

Thank you for the reply :smiley:

33.5-3 is outdated, you should be running at least 33.6 or above.

Try also go to:
C:\Users[YOUR USER]\AppData\Roaming\Apoapsis Studios\Airport CEO\GameSetting.json

open it with a text editor and find activated mods. Make sure there is no data in between the brackets []
“activatedMods”: []

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