Fuel System, Mediocre at best

This is feedback for the devs, mostly… but would love to hear the communities opinion. As someone that is responsible for the overall fuel inventory at a major US airport, I feel that the fuel system is majorly lacking in this game. In fact, the fuel supply mechanic could almost be a stand-alone game. Supplying fuel to an airport that accepts over 10 medium aircraft a day, and/or ANY large aircraft requires a LOT of work. (IRL, my airport departs around 500 medium aircraft every day) The fuel mechanic in this game is basically set-it and forget-it. I think we can do better! If any of the devs are interested in working with me, I would be honored to share my expertise and expand on this aspect of the game. Also, if there are any modders out there that want to build a Realistic Fuel System mod, please let me know!

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Modder here: while I can’t commit to building anything soon, I’d certainly be interested in knowing more


Same here lol. After the next updated to Custom Buildables releases (which isn’t soon, I know what it will be but I haven’t done any work on it) I may be open to start development such a mod.


Everything needed is an underground feeling system. :slight_smile:

@andyc You’d think … but there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to get it into the underground fueling system. That’s basically the 2nd to last point in the chain.

Sure there is. But I wouldn’t make it too complicated for ACEO. Otherwise it doesn’t fits to other parts of the game which are simplified. :slight_smile:


This is indeed our standpoint. As I’ve mentioned a few times before, Airport CEO is a tycoon game and not a simulator, it’s heavily inspired by how airport operate but certainly not a realistic reflection of it. For the moment I don’t think any further advancements of the fuel system as it stands today would make sense to prioritize.

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Agreed; I think underground lines would add depth and should be added, but I don’t see how other changes will fit nicely into the tycoon style.

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Yeah, that is very understandable, all points made well received and thank you @Olof for the feedback.


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