
what folder should the products go into?

ACEO install folder/ACEO_Data/DataFiles/products, or something like that. Your ACEO Install folder is in your steam install folder.

For Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/
Steam/steamapps/common/Airport CEO/
Airport CEO/Content/DataFiles/Products

Yes, I eventually got it all worked out. It’s not quite the same as other companies as you are experiencing.

The company does go into the normal Mod folder along with airlines etc. so the actual shops themselves look okay.

Products go in the products folder. It’s not as simple as all of the other modding as it seems. PM me if you need more.

You mean the products folder in the game directory?

Yes. Though I made a Mod folder for them.

I finally got my Native Franchises (Both Shop & Food(Bakery, Bar, Cafe & Restaurant)) Mods working!!! Thanks to @Rubble for his help on making sure my .json files were correct and that I had the folders in the correct places. Here are some pictures for anyone else is having a hard time doing the same thing.

Here are the file and folder locations:

Food Franchises:

Shop Franchises:

Products Folder:

Products.json file:

BakeryProducts.json file (foodfranchise- same for bar, cafe and restaurant products.json)

Hope that helps anyone in the future trying to set up their own Native Franchise companies.

Happy Modding!

Here are the Final products:

The one shop I added:

The few food (bakeries, bars, cafes, and restaurants) I added:


Or this i did it for franchise mods i just add McDonald’s and Apple and i will plan add 5 franchise
2.Bayern fan shop
3.Orenburg Duty Free
4.Dunkin Donuts

i was playing around and test a lot of options, but i can’t get products loading, shelfs stays empty…
do we have any news here?

Yeah, it’s a different system and does not work the same as regular mods.

can you expand upon that? do you know how to get it to work?

Yes, but I’m just about to go out. Back in a couple of hours.

For the shops, they are as you would just expect and configured like everything else.

The products, they have to go into the products directory.

Yes it is as you say, but how to add prdoct pictures and how they have to look? Also the json? I get empty shelfs still

So for now, products are about 64px square. The shop sprite system is due a overhaul though according to Trello.

I’m a bit single handed at the moment as right in the middle of an OS upgrade so don’t have everything yet fully re installed.

Will try this out, so when the image is to big, i is not loading then? Thank you

Steam mods working same i suppose?

It will load, will look very big on the shop retail stand.

Have not tried steam mods. Local only.

Directly in steam folder or in native mod folder? Will test thank you

My path in image above. I was specific to capture that deliberately. :slight_smile:

The PNG and reference in the JSON file to the PNG are wrong too as I was doing other tests as well with those files. They should be the same obviously.

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I tried a lot with all of your suggestions and yes it is working but, and this is the breaking point, it ONLY works when you use the orginal steam files and adjust them, but when it is inside the Mod Folder (on a Windows PC) it never will load anything…

So, here is what i did on my Windows PC:

  • Adjust the files in my %appdata%\Apoapsis Studios\Airport CEO\Mods\Shop Test\Products\Shop

    This not working

  • i then look at the files on C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Airport CEO\Airport CEO_Data\DataFiles\Products\default and saw there there are to different jsons, on is directly inside that folder: products.json and then there is also a shop folder… i later look at the 2 json Files and saw that the default Business are loading from the Products.json and not from the ShopProducts.json under Shop

  • I go back to my Mod Folder and try to build the same there, but that wasn’t working…

  • i copied the shop to the local files on C:\ and put my testimage and the code inside the products.json of the orginal products.json file on c:

and now comes magic, it is working

But i need to say, that can only work local and also only when there is no update of that files from the ACEO… so, at the end, in my eyes, it is a small bug that products are not loading correctly from MOD Folders…

I report a Bug: ACEO-17952