Tomorrow, on Thursday October 17 at 14:00 (UTC+2) the Forum will enter into a ready-only mode and remain unavailable for several hours as we perform important server upgrade work. The service windows will in the best scenario last a few hours but in the worst a day or two, and we’ll keep you update on the progress via Twitter!
The Forum may not go offline immediately at 14:00 but please note that all posts that occur after the scheduled time will not reappear once the Forum is brought back online. The Forum will be brought back gradually and as we configure settings and work out any potential migration bugs, service might be interrupted causing the connection to drop. We therefore recommend avoid posting anything until we’ve officially declared the Forum to be back and fully operational.
Thank you for your understanding and patience throughout this process!
Great. Let’s sit back and let @HAL9000 do its thing. Seems like everything went fine but will keep an eye on it for a while longer before we start to kill the backups…
The forum has a loooong history and a lot of images… I’m suspecting that @HAL9000 will be working throughout the night or even a few days with updating the image paths. If it’s not fixed within a week or so I will start to look into it!
Sounds reasonable enough! I could watch that O’Hare video so often that I probably won’t get bored for a few weeks anyway (I do need to stop that and get on with my life at some point though)