For those of you who are struggling with baggage!

I quickly built a simple baggage system to show you how it can be setup.

Step 1:

  • Check your zooning and path to the baggage bay. If you have a disconnected baggage bay, make sure there is a viable path including sidewalks, doors and crosswalks for the ramp agents to get there.
  • Make sure that the baggage bay has service road connection (service road can be built inside for this purpose).
  • Make sure that all belts face the correct direction. Use R to rotate.
  • Wait with scanners and tilt trays if you are having trouble getting the basic setup.

See screenshot for reference:

Step 2:

  • Connect your stands to the baggage bay.
  • Connect your baggage claim are to the baggage bay.
  • Connect check-in desks to the baggage bay.
  • Make sure you have enough ramp agents to both service stands and the baggage bay.
  • Make sure you have enabled baggage handling in the operations menu.

See screenshot for reference:


Thank you, think that clears it up a bit more. I didn’t have it set as a secure area, or have the path as a secure area. Thanks

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You can have it as non-secure but they the path leading there must also be origin from a non-secure area.

But the path starts in the secure area?

So you will need a security exit or zone as secure

Yes, that is why is marked the entire baggage bay as secure but if you start your path in the non-secure area, it can be non-secure.

Ok thanks, I’ll try it later

Yes, you always need a secure exit from the secure zone.

is that possible to make an underground conveyor belt pass under a ground conveyor belt?

No, currently not now, sorry. As we introduce multi-story terminals this will be possible.


One Question.
I have stucking baggage on the arrival side of the bay. I read it too late, thats not possible to build under a bay and now Im not able to find that stucking baggage item to delet and rebuild the bay. Any Solution for situations like that?

It -should- automatically resolve in the next update!

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Question: what’s the utility of the tilt tray? How should I use them?

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Splitting baggage. If you have multiple destinations you can split the baggage between them. Also for load balancing.

I can’t get my baggage claim area to connect to a loading bay. How do you do it?

How to remove all ****** bagage?! The baggage of all planes are stuck the entrance of the cargo bay. Clicking 1by1 isn’t an option,new bagage comes faster then I can click…

So in order to allow the workers to do baggage you need a path from the airport to the baggage bay right? And if this path originates in a secure area both the path and the bay must be secure as well? Won’t this cause problems with traffic on the service roads passing from non secure to secure? Also if the path starts in a non secure area the path and the bay can be un secure as well? Why not just have like a special door that only workers can go through and none of this secure non secure stuff for the path and the bays. Also wouldn’t you want the entire tarmac to be secure as well?

First,the trucks pass security at the checkpoint,so they are on a different scale. Second, the cargo bay must be in a secure are, connected to a secure zone in the airport without any gaps. So basically, you make a sidewalk that connects both and you mark it as secure zone afterwards. So it makes one and the same zone.

Ps. I think it’s a pathfinding thing why it is needed.

Vehicles ignore zones. The checkpoint is just the transition between service road and normal road that makes it emulate secureness.

I kinda like your idea of the door that only staff can go through and only having an implied secure zone like Prison architect does it. There’s too much that can go wrong with placing your own secure zone

So it has to be connected from one secure area to another secure area? Why, that makes no sense. Airports don’t operate like that. Going from an unsecured are to a secure area is common.

Was this mechanic utilized due to AI pathing issues?