Follow the BAe 146 Creation

You voted and we comply. Here we will show you the creation and born of the BAe 146. Enjoy! :airplane:

Step 1: Creating the outline of the aircraft which will then be painted in Photoshop. At this stage the Jumbolina it looks very boring with a lot of things missing. We are lazy and will only do half of the aircraft then mirror and copy the rest.

Step 2: Parts imported into photoshop. Now ready to apply some paint.

Step 3: Engine has been painted.

Step 4: Wing now assembled. Starting to look like something that can fly.

Step 5: Started work on fuselag and tail. Starting to come together now.

Step 6: Final touches are done. A new bird has been born. Thanks for following this journey! :airplane:


Post updated. Engine is now painted.


Post updated. Added wing.


Post updated. Added fueslag and tail. Still some work to do.


BAe-146 is complete. Enjoy the new bird!


Looks AWESOME :heart_eyes:

Looks great! Can’t wait to welcome one to my new airport!

Looks awesome! If you don’t mind me asking, do you have bases for the rest? I’d love to edit them for my topic!

It looks really nice! Any ideas of the airline/s yet?

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