I know we have a red line deliminating the current time in the flight planner.
To aid in the scheduling of flights landing, something like a green line before the flight allocation upon the time line would be good.
Mocked up an example using flight NA199 that shows across the board where its time slot is.
This would provide an easy to view mechanism where runway landing slots clash. Given a few of us are building quite large airports with lots of landings, this would be quite useful me thinks???
The ability to zoom/scale the planner too so all flight movements can be seen without scrolling up and down would be useful too when you’re planning lots of flights…
I’d also love to know the daily traffic of departing and arriving PAX… Yearly volume too would be a nice stat.
→ 8 Medium Stand and 4 Small Stand airport
→ 4 Bag Bays sharing the load
→ BAD graphic of my terminal layout at bottom
→ Flight plan slots are designed to distribute load evenly at 30 minute intervals per side.
→ Gates 1,3,5,7 are with Bag Bay A & B
→ Gates 2,4,6,8 are with Bag Bay C & D
→ Small Stands 1,2 with C and 3,4 with D
As I’m scheduling in my Flight Planner I’m going to load each side every 1/2 hour with a new plane
Maximum 3 Medium flights per day per stand
Spread out your Heavy Load planes that they all don’t arrive in a row
This layout allows for 1 delay of 1 hour per stand and maximises the arrival and departure times
Small stand planes (I left blank) try to get them coming and going when everyone else is getting turned around.
Try to put Small flights on the side near your departure runway that they don’t taxi forever to take off.
(@Olof and @Fredrik feel free to use this idea if you feel it can improve the game)
With 34 current contracts, and 19 stands, something visual would be very helpful.
I have pinch points I know on the taxi ways, so always schedule those flights in first. But when you already have existing contracts and you pick up new contracts (Dev’s I’m taken all the contacts I can, more please… (said Oliver)) it’s not always easy using the excellent system you’ve taken what must be a bit of time to devise and put into place?
I split my loading bays too just like you have. Though I’ve turned them off for now as I’ve been remodelling.
Agree, three medium flights in one day is max. I tried cramming four in initially, but that was a world of pain when delays occurred and agree, the small stands, they fit in between the small/medium flights. The flight planner right now is a mess for me, and that’s only a small selection, hence the zoom request too.
I’m working out now where to put the next set of stands in…