Flight planner overview of recurring flights

So I today was my first day of trying out these so called recurring flights and I kinda like it, it’s a lot less planning and necessary if you have over 6 gates I think. Because it becomes I rather annoying thing to reschedule every single group of flights every single day over and over again. So YES recurring flights is the solution.

So one thing about this that really bugs me, the abilty to see if you have planned this flight or not in one quick view.

As you can see below, we have recurring flights and single flights, in these single flights I can see how much of the group I have planned and which group is completely planned.
The problem is that I first planned 1 Skylink recurring flight. Then took out a new contract, also Skylink, and wanted to plan the next one, but I couldn’t see which of the two to choose.

So to make the question short, get we get like an icon which says the flight is planned or not? (I understand “1/1” looks silly, but like a check mark through it?

You are right it is a little confusing. You cannot see if flight is scheduled or not. I am sure it can be fixed alongside with scroll down of left hand list.

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A check mark would be great. Going trough all the contracts to find the one flight you are missing is sometimes kinda… errrghhhh :stuck_out_tongue:

Nevermind. It got implemented with .22.2


Nice! Thanks Devs!

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