Flashlight toggle

a toggle for the “flashlight” (the light that comes up around your mouse during the night)

simply that

Yes, we need this

There is already that feature in game. Haven’t you seen it?

Even with 100s of hours in the game, I also don’t know about this feature… :astonished: :blush: I know there is the flashlight when you are in the build menu, but is there a key for that? :thinking: :heart_eyes_cat:


I think that is what the OP wants: a key to turn the flashlight on.
A cute little helping feature, IMHO

Something to add if you’re bored @Alexander:stuck_out_tongue:

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Am I missing something or developers don’t remember a feature that has been in game since very first days of release :open_mouth:

The flashlight is there but only when you’re building something, I don’t think there’s a way of toggling it on without building something?

And of course we forget stuff, this game is huge and it would be impossible to immediately be able to recall all features that we’ve implemented without doing a bit of research first… :stuck_out_tongue:


Last time I played there was a way to switch it on - just open a build menu (without selecting anything in there). As long as it’s open the flashlight will be on, just don’t click anywhere. :smiley:

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just open a build menu (without selecting anything in there). As long as it’s open the flashlight will be on, just don’t click anywhere.

YES! That’s how I use it either :smiley:

As said above, that’s the ‘known’ way of using the flashlight, but would be very(!) cool to have an actual flashlight key to put it on/off whenever you need it. This is typically a ‘compile feature’ :wink:

Compile features = while a dev is waiting for code to be compiled they can work on little trivial stuff that’s fun to build but they’re never planned :smiley_cat:

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