First post - some suggestions and issues


First post, so please be gentle. Like many I bought the game on a steam sale and got sucked into it. Despite the unfinished business its fun to play. A little feedback of issues I came across:

  • if you put seat gating against the wall, passengers have a tendency to end up at the other side of the wall
  • I tried creating a separate set of stands, runways and taxiways to separate commercial and ga flight. If you dont connect the taxiways the plane will just ride in a straight path trough anyware.

And a few suggestions:

  • glass pane wall for shops?
  • tables and chairs for foodcourts?
  • A confirmation dialog on runway extension. First time I thought nothing happened so i clicked several times and ended up with a loooong runway and too much money spend :slight_smile:
  • A flyover system to connect terminals over service roads.

Keep up the good work!

Hey there tancque and welcome to the forums :slight_smile:
Good suggestions. I think most of these have been suggested before, which means they must be good :smiley:
tbh, the glass pane is new for me. Iā€™m wondering what it would do for game play, but it does sound intriguing

Thx mr de Ruiter, Glass pane windows as in shop can be a requirement for fancy shops and increase revenue. And you could use glass panes/glass walls to make an observation building, enhancing nearby shop sales.

Cool suggestions indeed! Maybe we could simply have a glass wall that could even be used on the terminal so you could make those windows every terminal has.

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