Few suggestions

hey all,
#1 expand rooms button would be a must for making complex bathrooms that have a non boxed shape.
#2 a designate runway button for aircraft types so u can get rid of those pescy cessna’s blocking traffic for ur 737’s.
#3 a clear functioning 1 way road system, even if there are some cheeky workarounds having traffic all bottled up in 1 area is kind of annoying.
#4 instead of using repeating flights maybe allot a timeslot to a certain company to use
now i know this may be asking too much, hell could be that this stuff has allready been posted but wanted to suggest it anyway

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  1. Irregular room shapes might be nice, but bathrooms tend to be rectangularish anyway. You can still use walls to make the shape you want even if it cuts into the room area.

  2. You can set runways to allow GA, commercial or both. I usually have two separate runways so that they don’t interfere with each other.

  3. Yes.

  4. I don’t know exactly how flights are planned in real life, but I think it’s more likely they designate a time for each route (typical flights will repeat daily) rather than a time slot for airlines to choose their own flight times.

about nr2 i was talking about a switch that designates between medium aircraft and small aircraft not just commercial and GA

Alright, you only said Cessna so I assumed you meant GA.

I get what you’re saying, it would be nice to be able to set up a separate terminal just for light commercial flights and have them only use that runway.

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