Extend/renew airline contracts

It would be great if you could extend or renew airline contract without having to re-schedule the flights. If you have a good week setup, you could just repeat that week automatically.


I agree this is should be in, though its implementation should be that it’s the airline who decides to renew with you, since in this case they’re the customers.


i think they are working to revamp system completely

Same with other contracts. I find it rather strange that a shop or food court just vanishes instead of asking for contract renewal - even more, if profitable.

Speaking of shop contracts it would be good if they would remain open during flight hours and closed over night

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Some - especially food courts - might still be open since even during the no-flight hours there might be persons present at the airport - even if it is only staffers going for a coffee or burger or people waiting/stranded because of delayed flight.

Does depend on when you sign the contract at the moment I believe. I seem to have shops closing at mid day and then open all night

That’s due to shift changes. My hope is that they will tweak it so that shift changes are staggered like in reality. For example on a shift change half the staff in the shop/cafe will leave and be replaced. An hour or two later the other half will do the same so it never has to close during the day.

It would be nice if shops and cafes were adaptive to the flight schedule. At night when there are no flights they close. During the day if the shop is near gates that have few flights or no flights scheduled it may remain closed or with limited staff. Obviously making the system work dynamically would take quite a bit more effort then simply setting arbitrary times when shops will open and close. I would be nice to see as development progresses though.

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