Evening Sky

Hi Everyone,

Here is my final submission for the Airline Design Contest. I know that this definitely isn’t the best design that I’ve put forwards, but on the evening before the competition closes, I wanted to say a huge Congratulations to everyone who has entered!!! All the designs look amazing, and I really can’t wait for some new content in the game. The variety and creativity has blown me away. :heart_eyes:

Good luck everyone, and good night. :sleeping:

Airline Name: Evening Sky

Airline Description:

Evening Sky is an airline that puts its customers above all else. They charge average prices for their services, however they always manage to go the extra mile. The company has been praised for their “Active tracking” service, where HQ monitor storms and disruptions to the flightpath, and request realtime diversions to ensure maximum passenger comfort. Evening sky truely fly above and beyond.

Airline CEO Name: Suzanne Knight

Airline Design Image: