Error when trying to place walls or ANYTHING

Hey, I am having an issue when I try to place ANYTHING for it to be built, it comes up with an error as such :

Please help asap!

It seems your delivery platform is not connected to a road?

Just fixed itā€¦ seems like I didnt notice that I deleted my platformā€¦


For people getting here by the SEARCH;

  1. Build a delivery site
  2. F10
  3. ā€œdisableā€ the option ā€˜simulate constructionā€™ to complete all scheduled roads
  4. ā€œenableā€ the option ā€˜simulate constructionā€™ again.

Never got fixed actuallyā€¦ I made a road connecting to it and allā€¦ still get the same message even after doing all of that.

Try saving and reloading the game.

fixed. Thank you sir.

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What game version are you on? Delivery sites should build instantly, no need for F10.

The problem was the street to the delivery site most probably :wink:

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Well, I just got a new errorā€¦ I am losing money now when any plane lands or takes offā€¦ Causing me to be at negative 2 millionā€¦

Anyone able to help me at all?

Have them land after '6 (or was it 5) and leave before '23, at least, in the allowed fly time.

Thanks Jasperā€¦ lets see if I can manage to regain 2.4 mil from all of that money I lost due to itā€¦