There’s been a post or two in the past, and I think the response was that there will likely be a Linux release at some point. I’d love to get in on the early access sale, but it seems like that will be Windows and Mac only. Is there any way to test on Linux?
So I think short answer is no
As Tubala said above: for the initial releas there will not be a linux version.
No recent comments on how high a Linux version is on the priority list.
That’s completely reasonable. I was just trying to get an idea of where it might fall on the timeline (if at all). Will continue following the blog.
My question-why do you still even use a linux? Peronally, ive never known anyone with one, never seen an ad for one online , etc.
I think, given the style of your statement, you don’t fully understand the purpose of “a linux” and thus why somebody would want “one”
Personally, I like MAC os but I use Windows mostly cause you can play more games with it(Or so i’ve heard)(I just like the look of Macos) but there are a lot of reasons some people might like a Linux machine better EX:Kernal based, most are free, and there are probably thousands of linux versions that do different things(Some are more secure ETC)
You would be right,… because i have never heard why becaus e they are so rarely used…
I use windows since macs are so expensive…
you use windows, I use the whole house. I use “a Linux”
Oh, ok. Thnaks.
So, off topic, but fun discussion: I used the same Windows laptop all throughout college. About a year after I graduated, my hard drive got corrupted (my bad), and I realized I had no Windows install media. I had used Linux a bit in school, so I figured I’d try it as an experiment. I loaded up Ubuntu and, while there’s been some learning curve, for the most part, it just worked. When I took the laptop out back and built my PC almost 8 years ago, I had been using Linux exclusively at home, and decided to just put the cost of the Windows license into hardware instead.
I’m currently running Linux Mint (Cinnamon desktop), and I prefer it over Windows 7 and 10 which I use every day in the office. A lot of that is my use case: I do a lot of amateur coding, and unless you’re doing Visual Studio development (which is pretty solid), managing tool-chains in Linux is great thanks to having a real package manager. There’s tools I use for development that are only on Windows, and Office is the de facto enterprise tree-killing package, so I’m not going to go full Linux evangelism strike-force (but have you considered adopting Open Source into your life?).
I don’t play a lot of games, so the (rapidly growing) set of Linux-compatible games on Steam has been good enough. Occasionally this means I play something a long time after the initial release (have you played this game called Portal 2, just finished, it’s awesome).
Anyway, to each their own. I am excited about Airport CEO since I had really enjoyed Airport Tycoon as a kid. Hopefully I can provide my $15.99 sooner rather than later, but I understand if the development team doesn’t need the hassle of supporting yet another platform at launch.
Well, think of it this way: us Windows guys are testing your bugs on release.
Though on the 15.99 front… you should check the devlog.
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