GA first: i have 2 GA’s runway, one for dep and one for arr. They take off from runway 18 but instead of taxiing to the holding point next to that part of the runway they go down to runway 36, they cross it and then they turn around, enter runway 36 and taxi up to 18 for a back track… by doing that all the GA’s arrival are stuck. Came on pilots don’t be so stupid
Passengers: they go thru walls, so i have 2 entrance with check-in desk and security in both of them and the passenger instead of going to the right entrance for them they go to the other one, they sit over there and then they go back to the other one to check-in (going thru walls) and it is the same when they deboard the plane, they go thru the wrong security exit and then thru walls to the right one
You should have hold points at each entrance of each runway (ideally in the perpendicular taxiway and not the parallel one), and should have a taxiway parallel to each runway.
if you look at the pictures you can see that is already like that just one is missing but i don’t need the one at the top cuz they vacate the runwayat the bottom of the runway, i tried also to change the position of the holding points… btw thats not happen with the commercial flights where the set up of the runways are the same ( 1 arr and 1 dep)
It will most likely work a lot better if you follow what @jkernitzki says. The game AI is looking for what he said and therefore if you don’t do it that way you will run into strange behavior. In the future I am sure the AI will be improved, but for now it is rather dumb. As you can see the next patch will solve the other issue with walking through walls.
Again, i had before holding points at each entrances of the runway, you cannot see that in the picture because then i tried different set up but if you look at the picture carefully you can see that they all go to ONE holding point even if have others as you can see in the pic. I have the SAME set up for the commercial flights but they do NOT act like that
Actually we can see that you dont on the left runway in each picture. Try to add one and see if that fixes it, could still be bugged as you suggest however since it only affects GA. I dont bother with those small planes when I have commercial up and running, personal choice though.
Yeah because as i said then i changed set up, but initially there were hp on both runways… when i took the pic i already had the set up changed thats why you see that i haven’t any hp on the left runway… btw the left one is only for arrival so i don’t need hp close to that one and the thing is that they all go to one hp and the they back track… initially when i had just one runway they were not doing that after i put the second one they all go to the hp at bottom of the runway and the they back track