Do you plan to support custom flooring?

I think the ability for players to mod their own flooring (and other assets) into the game is going to be vital to the longevity of ACEO.

I know you plan mods and asset creation support in some future, which is great

Do you have any details that you can share about how that will be implemented please?

In particular, I am currently interested in having textures for terminal signage (floor), such as A, B, C North, South, 1, 2, 3,
Exit, Entrance, Information, Security, No Entry, and so on(change to appropriate language variant as you wish). I think that you can support changing the floor texture to these, and other decal type assets. Players can create decal/flooring packs for language and styling support and share with each other.

These should appear in either a custom asset menu or in the current flooring menu (without making it untidy).

Later, instead of being just eye-candy textures floor tiling could become the same principle of taxiway foundations are to planes. That is, passengers can walk anywhere in a terminal but would prefer to walk on a floor tile. Now use a tool like the taxiway node to draw out a path for passengers to certain places as desired on these “walkway foundations” and you have yourself a design time tool for passenger management. Will cut down on the need for the passenger to keep saying “are we there yet” or “where the hell am I” and will provide the player with a design tool to cure their OCD about passenger movement and stupidity (like they have any intelligence).

Finally, measure data of usage of features and facilities that to provide real-time pathing data to passengers (and staff I guess), through the currently eye-candy only, Airport Screens. Now, the player needs to think logically in the design of their airport and provide redundancy and load-balancing, something that is vital in the baggage system. So, the passenger looks at Info Screen and it tells him to go to Security Gate A 'cos it is 15 minutes faster than the nearest security gate he would normally have chosen.

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Fantastic idea, would love some new floor textures and signs, whether modded or in vanilla.

Uh… Custom flooring is there right? Idk… if u mean something else… but I have custom floor colors for all my areas.

Do you have custom flooring? How? Can you explain please?

Where do you get to transfer your textures into the game to replace, say “blue carpet” or “marble floor” or whatever they maybe called?

Do you have some mod tool for Unity perhaps?

Is this what you mean?

Those are the standard floor tiles.

I’m talking about replacing with custom ones.

Say I want to put a EXIT sign on the floor instead of a blue carpet, for example

Oops…mod required for that. Didn’t get what u meant. Sorry.

Mods are not supported yet. They should be soon.

Well, ok - not sure how you missed that as it was the 1st and 2nd line of the original message

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