Different taxiways

From the pictures i see that taxiways are 90 degrees in relation of the runway but airports also have 45 degree taxiways so i think it would be interesting to see that.

Seeing how this game is based on square tiles, i don’t see that happening in the near future :slight_smile:

And those 45 degree (or even 30 degrees) taxiways are only for faster taxiing off the runway

Even though we indeed use a grid system it could be possible to implement 45 degree angled taxiways. It is a matter of aligning the taxiway diagonally, however, we don’t want to get your hopes high so it is not something we will not prioritize it at the moment. Maybe in post alpha releases. :airplane:


Will high-speed turnoffs be available for use?

They are a major part of improving efficiency at busy modern airports so I was wondering if they’d be at all implemented in the game.

If in the future there would be an option for angled taxiways, will there also be a future for angled runways?? Because that would great!!

While we’re at it, angled terminals? :slight_smile:

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Honestly, I think that the “drawing style” taxiways and terminals and whatnot could be awesome, IF ASSISTED with snapping pieces of angled taxiways and building pieces! We wouldn’t draw those in, if we wanted them, we’d plan and snap them in place.

Pre-made segments, if you will!

I agree with nace888, pre-made segments would be better.

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