DevLog 93: Vehicle Pack 1 & The Airline Design Contest Finally Vote

Hey all!

Sorry for the experimental deployment delay, we had some very disturbing deployment issues which have now been fixed. Check out the devlog and check out the new vehicles on the experimental branch but as always beware of instabilities.

Any bugs related to 23.3 should be discussed in the specified topic and not here! Use this topic: Airport CEO Alpha 23.3 released

Have a good one and see you tomorrow!



It’s nice to see how being on full time development has helped you to better plot out the course of the game’s future a bit more methodically! :slight_smile:

Also I love the quick turnaround small gates also!


I agree, its a really nice addition.

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I really like the idea of different variants of fuel truck, and of course the pushback tug is a great addition! Well done @Jettuh - you’ve done a great job! :slight_smile:


Wow! The vehicles are amazing and they really suit the game :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Congrats to @Jettuh for these amazing vehicles, I hope you can make more cool stuff for the game!:smirk::smirk:

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Really nice to see that things are moving, not only with bug search and destroy but also implementation of new features.

I stopped playing Airport CEO since mid-October (even though I did not master all of it at that time, far from it) waiting to have some more content to enjoy. I don’t know when I will restart a game but I hope soon :slight_smile:

I wonder if there will be one of those conveyor trucks in a future update.
As for right now however, What a deal!
Can’t wait to log into the game again!

Any belt loaders coming or as some people call it rockets coming? @Olof

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I can’t update it. Can anyone tell me how to update it manually?

The 3D model for the Belt Loader is ready, however the code isn’t yet.
Do expect it to show up around your airport in the near future :wink:


Are you on the experimental branch?
If so, exit Steam and launch it again, it should force Steam to check on updates.

Jettuh what shall we expect with new bagggae items pack which will be published on the next Monday? Something new? Belt model will also be upgraded?

Up to Olof or Fredrik to reveal that :wink:

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Thanks @Jettuh look forward to more stuff,

Your work is Excellent graphics.


What if i’m not

Then u cannot receive the experimental development updates mentioned in this thread!

There is currently no “default” update yet.

So if you want the new vehicles and new furniture you’ll have to switch to the unstable/experimental branch.
The dev team will do their best to fix bugs on the experimental, once that is done they will move it to the default branch, that’s the moment the “general public” will see their ACEO update automatically.