Here we go, a bit of a delay but I think the airline will compensate you if you complain.
(pretty sure that joke has been pulled a few several devlogs ago)
Here we go, a bit of a delay but I think the airline will compensate you if you complain.
(pretty sure that joke has been pulled a few several devlogs ago)
Nice work guys, i knew it will be a success.
And word on when we can start voting for next big feature in the game?
And the DevLog names are becoming much more creative each time as well…
Yay. Was really waiting for this one Thank you
Nice blog and Good Ideas!
@Olof Well, since there is 1000000000+ new threads these days, I will just post it here… Some weird stuff I noticed recently on 0.22.2 experimental and 0.22.1:
ATR-72 as jet plane
A guy transporting sprits…
Baggage loaders adding extra baggage.