DevLog 44 is out and we have been working with lightning and serialization. At this point there will be less and less new contet added, as we are preparing the game for a future release. Enjoy!
Awesome a new dev log! Can’t wait to read it through!
Just an update to my comment, will the aircraft have landing lights as they come down the runway? I feel like this would be a nice little addition.
Look at the second gif, the landing lights are visible.
Ah my mistake! My laptop screen is rather dim so I missed it. Love your guys work!
Really good job guys.
About the lights thing, what can you really leave turned off during the night? If the airport is suited for night operations* I don’t really see many things you could turn off: the underground baggage belt zone can be in darkness when there’s nobody there, maybe some store lights if they close during nightime or, geting to the extreme side, “shutting down” the furthest gates it they aren’t used during the night. But if the airport remains open at night i can only see most of it illuminated (maybe the runway lights turned off when not in use in small airports?).
Also, we are speaking of something that would be programmed to do the same every night, aren’t we?
*Has something been told about airports closing at night time if they lack the systems required for night operations?
An airport close to me I believe has only one evening flight and the runway lights are turned off while the plane is on the ground and turned off again after the plane has departed. (Lights only on during takeoff and landing). This works for a smaller airport however it does not work for a large airport with many flights during the evening/night.
I like the idea of motions senors for parts of the inside of the airport. It would be nice if the player could see it. If someone is walking into a room and it lights up. When the room is empty again it takes a while until the lights are turned off.
I really like the attention to detail you are taking to the game, this is certainly an aspect which contributes to the game success. My only concern regarding this devlog is about the following:
“Of course, if an aircraft was going in for landing and the lights being turned off you’d likely have an incident on your hands.”
Are you talking about some electric system failure (which is a nice addition to the game) or about some deliberated act of turning off the lights by the ceo? And are you taking into account that in real life it would probably NOT cause an incident considering the pilot would go around (unless you consider a go around as a management incident).
Thanks and keep up with the great work, I can’t wait to help you when the funding starts.
Yet again another smashing dev log. Every Monday I look forward to reading these and seeing how much more work is being done. And every time it makes me more and more excited for the game.
Everything I’m reading just makes me want it even more lol. I love the way the lights light up all at separate times just like real spot lights the graphics on the lighting is top notch.
I think I would be a great addition adding the increased power consumption to the game makes for more relastic simulation. Not that the game sofar isn’t realistic it has way over what i thought it would be in my mind.
Well done folks keep it up.
Awesome news! Hoping that airport will have UPS and ability to purchase a diesel generator for emergencies like during a snow blizzard…
I was quite surprised AND delighted when the devlog came like 5 hours earlier than Vietnam!
I AM curious on the answers to a few of these questions, such as what incidents would be, and if we set times that occur each night etc etc etc
I would LOVE to see some things such as the motion sensors, or even lighting underground for baggage. Obviously people have to monitor those.
Would we be able to set when we can and cannot accept flights?
Whilst switching lights on and off works with smaller airports (where you would likely have a municipal power supply) As an airport increases to in size a CEO would likely consider more the infrastructure, power substations, transformers, cables to power the airport. As the airport develops / runways are upgraded the power demand will increase, and so will the power capacity of the airport. To put some rough real world figures in, a high voltage substation to power a medium sized airport, the transformers and substations you could expect a cost of USD 31Million, the associated cabling around USD 6 Million. Big ticket items which could be paid for by a loan against future revenue of the airport, perhaps a more realistic concern once airport increases in size that the electricity bill. Also new LED lighting is much more efficient than previous lighting.
Great job on the lighting. Hopelly we can put power saving upgrades to the lights to save the electricity bill.
Good stuff!