Dev Blog 157: Airport CEO celebrates three years in Early Access!

Hey everyone!

We’re back with a new dev blog commemorating the third early access year of Airport CEO last week! Seems like everyone, including us, forgot! :smiley: Better late then never though…

Jump straight in and see how we celebrate the final early access anniversary! :slight_smile:


Woohoo! :smiley:

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Its not a plane, its a bird-plane, isn’t it?


Birdplane | Music Videos | The Axis Of Awesome - YouTube

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Screen Shot 2020-09-22 at 19.55.52


Looks like a 737. Dare I say 737-MAX? It would fit well with the emergencies? :slight_smile:

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Looks more like the a220 to me


Also, I have yet to see the new airline? Can I see all the liveries?

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Whooohooo! Great job guys! :heart:

“ A combination of realizing that the ability in ACEO to place your airport anywhere in the world is absolutely horrible from a weather generation perspective”

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I suggest placing a shop for adding planes to the game. Following the example of a merchandise store. For example, an airplane of some models, cost and payment service. And anyone interested in adding an aircraft can contribute a fraction of the cost of the aircraft. When the plane is paid for, Rubble produces it and the developers add it to the game.

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CRJ 700, EMB 190, And now Cseries

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I think you are correct

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Didn’t noticed that I bought the game so close after release. Thought It has been longer on the market.
I remember my first play in fall 2017… that took 15 minutes. Next try was in fall 2019, took 10 hrs in a row. I guess there was a lot of progress between. :+1:

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Congratulations! :partying_face:

Now we need sand ground texture in desert region! :heart_eyes:


Congrats on yet another milestone team! :partying_face: Keep up the good work!

My guess for the new jet would be A220 :airplane:


three years. Amazing. Got this game the day it was in EA.
Congratulations to you. :cupcake:


Congratulatiooooooons! :smile:


dang has it been so long already?

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Why do you want Micro-transactions in a game rather than not having them. I dont get it.


Could also be solved by DLCs like a historical airline pack.


You did not understand. I am for the opportunity to buy an airplane to add to the game, not buying an airplane in the game.

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The new plane looks like it belongs to the A3xx-neo family?

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