Dev Blog 150: Stabilizing Alpha 35, Alpha 36 and beyond!

Thank you for all the information! :slight_smile:

@Jet are you trying to meet a :heart: quota? :rofl:

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…What do you mean? I am honestly confused.

oh nothing, I’ve just gotten a bunch of likes on my posts from you and some of them are really old posts. lol.

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Sorry, I enjoy liking posts though. It is honestly pretty fun. :slight_smile:
Also, what does ":heart: quota;’ mean?


Some badges are given through using likes


In beta when we get bigger maps, then all of that will mean longer taxi for airplanes and, to some extent longer walking for passenger, depending on airport layout and so on and on. I know everything will be looked at, from taxi behavior to boarding times. But we might have to revisit the game speed again and fine tune it i guess. ( i remember in Airport INC, took a plane a week to go from RWY to terminal :joy: )


I play extended maps and my planes are all getting full on time. I do even use a one-terminal only system. It just needs an intelligent layout.


Same here… on my extended airport maps I have plenty or room to make my taxi designs work to reduce or eliminate these taxi pathfinding traffic issues, but still do have them if not designed right. But when I play on the normal size map, once I get to a certain size airport its just impossible (and no room for extra taxi ways) to solve those issues. Im sure this will all get look at in beta (I hope), having the extra room for more taxiways (when the map size is made larger) as well as pathing adjusted for aircraft when crossing paths. :crossed_fingers: All love here for the game voice.


More level pls