Dev Blog 148: Internal testing of Alpha 35

So that means there are only 4 more features to be created/completed before it goes live. Lets hope its soon. Cannot wait any longer.

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On the Trello board the green tags are features, looking at the rest, they are improvements to the game so I think the green markers are general features.

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Yes, that’s it when you click on the green bar, it’s marked Feature

As opposed to alpha 35 features only


Judging from the Trello board everything has moved out of ‘Reviewing on internal branch’ and into ‘Ready for experimental branch’. It might still take some time to finalise and compile the build, write up the changelog and everything else before it hits experimental though.

I am sure it will be ready by 5 or so since that should not take too long.

There is still: overhauled airline class and rating system in under development, so that might be what they are waiting for so that they can deploy it on the experimental branch.

I don’t think A35 will be held up for that. We’ve been working on that overhaul since May 2019.


Oh, ok. Thanks for the info😉

What about the others showing on the feature board. Are they expected for A35?

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I could not tell you about that parts of the workflow. I only know about the fleets because I’ve been directly involved in the process. The rest of the programming I have nothing to do with.

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Cheers @Rubble thanks

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What is the overhauled rating system that takes so long, @Rubble

It has taken so long, as other things needed to happen before it could be implemented. The actual decisions were finalised quite a while ago. Then we had to first implement the big birds and all of the infrastructure involved in that, start the transition to allow different ratings within the game, R&D implementation for example.

Ok I get so it will be an alpha 36 idea.

I’m thinking more like a 35.5

Is it a major thing because if it is there is 2 more updates left instead of 1.

When is alpha 35 going to be out on experimental. I looking forward to it. (I mean this in a calm tone)

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It has not yet been released on Experimental, but when it does, that is an open, so anyone can grab it and try it out. As for when, I don’t know.