Nice devblog. Very excited for a35.
Can’t wait to download this update. I am very curious about how everything will work out. Still sad, that the Multi-level drop on/off isn’t going to be a thing or even mentioned @Olof, same as cargo. I would be very sad if it is going to be a dlc or something like that. Please don’t even start thinking about dlcs. You did a great work until now and will do great in the future!!
Also no word about remote stands. A simple switch to the airport side bus to only arrivals or only departures will do the trick! Please!
Really looking forward to playing the new update.
I like how the feedback from the community is taken into account, here especially regarding passport control options and passenger segregation.
WOW! I can say only one word: amazing!
Wanted to start playing A35 just right now!!
Fredrik, enjoy your parental leave time!
As I understood from further discussions, these mechanics won’t change.
But finally will depend if stand is international zoned, or not.
As devs’ stated a while ago, cargo won’t be part of the final game, but it’s very likely cargo will be a DLC, or so, after release…
Thanks @sirhc80
There’s so much content in this update! I can’t wait.
Yeaah! My favorite update is coming!!!
Love these additions! Amazing stuff. Love the attention to detail, even down to the touch interface on the automated check-in counters and bag drops. Just hope elevators have still made the cut!
The automated passport control gates look great, I was wondering if there could be a possibility for automated boarding gates instead of or as well as manned boarding desks? Would greatly improve efficiency and reduce reliance on passenger service agents, as well as minimising delays! Heathrow is an airport that springs to mind, that has introduced biometric boarding gates like this.
Might put quite a few passenger service agents out of a job, with this update
Is Trump playing ACEO???
@Olof Love the details of the passport control but two little optical things:
- You actually missed the passport scanning device itself in the scanning both. The security guy has only a computer. But how do they scan the passport?
- The waiting line at the automated scanners: Should it not move a bit to the end of the queue where the pax actually wait?
Devs already stated, that cargo will not be part of the base game.
If it’s coming (which is not yet clear, as I understood) it will be a DLC/add-on for a reasonable price or perhaps even free of charge.
For me this as a DLC would be fine as
- not everyone wants it
- it’s additional work, which should be paid
- it affects airport designs massively
But for the moment this is no topic, devs are discussing, as it’s not on their actual todo list, at least as I understood…
Just wonder would multi-terminal is still in the plan of A35?
Just have a look at the recent devblog
This update also includes both restaurants and airline business lounges as well as walkalators and ultimately support for multi-terminal layouts but this dev blog has already gone on long enough and we’ll need some content for the weeks ahead…
I just want to know what people think about this. For the experimental branch would people like the first half to come before the second half since it is more developed, and so we would get the first half earlier. Or would people like to get everything one but we have to wait longer for it all to be ready?
Now I have visions in my head… of passengers, taking a run-up to the passport booth, trying to climb over it or ducking and trying to sneak under the desk, and some actually trying to show their passports.
I want to see this implemented… feature voting??
Ever been to Japan? No trashcan around for miles and the floor is so clean you can eat shushi from it. How do they do it?
If I remember correctly, they have special keyboards to scan the passports.