Dev Blog 145: Passport checkpoints and immigration, self check-in, segregating departure and arrival and more!

Hopefully you’ll know in the next dev blog! :slight_smile:

Connecting flights is not something we’ve planned and not something that is very unlikely to implemented. The game is already complex enough and connecting flights would be a whole new level of complexity with very little value added.

No, way too easy! :wink:

Yes, as per the default game settings.

We simply cannot fit cargo within the base price of the game as the development costs alone would render the project unprofitable, it would be a very large project to implement and we don’t want to spend 10 years in early access.

Given all of the features coming in Alpha 35, including multi-terminal support, it would not be very wise to also enable support for bigger maps at this stage. Since the changes are so fundamental to the game we need to test these in a controlled setting, hence why it makes sense to keep the map size as is. We will however take a look at it in a later stage of the beta period, once we know that we have a very stable foundation that is 1.0 ready - scaling up the map at that point should be less of a challenge to deal with than right now. The test airport from which all of the screens in this dev blog has every feature in the game built and is both working well and fun to play with! :slight_smile:

As I mentioned in the 144 dev blog topic you can in Alpha 35 assign arrive-only remote bus stops via the stand display.


It’s unfortunately not a matter of what people want in this case, and there’ll not be any Compromises™ here. Alpha 35 will be made available in a time and shape that makes sense to the development cycle and how we need to test everything! :slight_smile:

Development is progressing fast but we have no estimates at this point and will not be able to give any. It’ll be out when it’s ready! :slight_smile: