Details and Decor

This doesn’t really need to be developed right away, maybe in a future version but it’s something to keep in mind. The airport I want to make (KBOS-Boston Logan) is surrounded by water on three sides. So it would be nice to be able to place water tiles and maybe trees and other decorative items to make your airport more attractive and “eco-friendly”. Also, adding those wooden/metal struts that come from the water before the runway holding the lights would be nice.

Feel free to put more decorative ideas here!

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Very sure trees will be a thing (for inside decoration). I am very certain putting certain trees outside will be a thing to decorate outside since we also build outside (just like in the last gif where the concrete floor was placed as decoration basically).

And in an email I asked already if there is something in mind to have different environments which make for harder or more interesting gameplay when building your airport. The answer was it is in the planning (not how important that is tho) so I just throw in that with that a “terrain tool” would be a no-brainer, right devs? :smiley:

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Beautification could be used as an additional metric by visitors, giving you the chance to earn the ‘most beautiful airport’ award.

Ability to make a park in front of the airport with walk paths, statue, fountain. As you said this is something for the game in a later stage however it is important so not all airports look the same. Hopefully we can make our own assets or get assets from the steam workshop.

I’d like to be able to beautify the airport, there’s some really great examples out there (none of which I ever have the opportunity to fly through!). Not sure about “most beautiful airport” award. I’m not convinced that a computer can actually measure beauty, and it would merely count the number of beautification objects. This does not necessarily equate to beauty.

But nice objects would improve the ambiance of the airport, and probably boost the moods of passengers. This might make them much easier to deal with - for example, they may be happier to wait a bit longer in a more pleasant environment, and maybe even more likely to spend money in the duty free.

Which uses the exact same mechanics / numbers

… not necessarily in the same way.

A beautification prize runs the risk of the player simply needing to have a small farm of objects in one corner of the game world to be awarded a beautiful airport accolade. This could be favoured by players looking to maintain efficiency by minimising the number of these optional items in the airport itself, whilst still being able to reap the rewards of being a beautiful airport.

It should be a bit more complex than just the sum of all beautification items. The items should contribute to the local area (the most common mechanic I’ve seen is that the items have an “effect area” of x squares around the item itself). This would improve the ambiance of that area and improve passenger’s moods accordingly when they’re in the area.

Beauty is a very subjective idea, and I don’t see the computer being able to award prizes purely for beautification. It’s simply going to do mathematics, and whilst mathematics is beautiful in itself, perceptual beauty has not been mathematically defined. So you’d be aiming to get the prize in a roundabout way - you wouldn’t/couldn’t be creative, you’d be trying to tick the boxes that the game has mandated in order to meet what it calls “beauty”. It wouldn’t foster a creative sandbox environment, and I don’t think it would work well.

It is still the same thing. You can call it “best ambiance” award. Just average the “ambiance” of all passengers at the moment when they board the flight and done!

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Yeah, I don’t think awards are all that necessary: All I simply want is a re-textured concrete clock (as seen on the trailers) that’s relabeled as water. It’s pretty simple.

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