Despretly needed improvements (small ones)

This is small list of Improvements that I wish we had if we are not getting any more big updates:

  1. Let as assign check desks to Aircraft Stands

  2. Give us screenshot key for report bug, as I am not able to show some bug due to need of holding my mouse over something. And I am too lazy to go to forum, I just want to carry on playing.

  3. Get rid of terminals need of being connected via pathways, Here is why:
    If I am assign terminal to GA airfield there is need to have pathway there , because there is no way to assign trucks and other vehicles to certain area other than using Terminal system.

  4. Shortcut keys for yny building related items, like walls to be ctrl+w etc

  5. Stop influx of cars/taxis or busses. if airport is closed or there re no flighs , or there is no stuff inbound, they just keep constantly coming bringing noone nor taking.

  6. One way doors. Seen this requested by some folk.

  7. Get rid of strict windows sizes and make them buildable like walls.

Thats all. Wish you all a splendid day

PS: Cargo DLC Pretty please <3


For the first point: you can assign specific stands to a specific baggage bay. So then you have a check in area only for those stands.

One other small improvement I can think of is a hotkey to toggle on and off selected building

I know about that but still, I dont want to have baggae bay for each Aircraft stand, But thats not issue, issue is it forces putting check stands more strategically together , instead of putting them where they would suit the best,

it can be seen at screenshot, instead of having check in at the red squares for each stand.Check in problem I had to make one checkin area, which left me with lots of unused place.

or at least have check in for Airline

Just as note: You can paste/upload pics directly here.

Yeah, you really want to handle every stand individually. Sadly without a own baggage bay, it won’t work.
There are hundreds of different airport concepts around the world and it’s not possible to cover everyone in one game.

Other question regarding your airport:

Are all areas independent secure zones?

If it’s one zone, your setup won’t work as you want. Passengers will random choose a security entrance and exit as they only want to enter the designated secure zone. ACEO passengers only think one step forward.
If it’s several zones, you may get delays as your staff always has to leave and enter a new secure zone for each job task.

Yep its one secure zone, working quite well tho, no delays

if I had those check in desks I could have swapped those security checkpoints around so it would work. So they would go through “designated security check” because those checkpoints would be directly next to them

Now its mainly built around security exit zone, as I cannot make those check ins

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