Delivery Trucks turn around before delivery

I think it began when I built a new supply area and deleted the old one. Now the truck come and leave without supplying anything. This means I am no longer able to build anything. Has anybody seen this before?

I have the same issue.

yup,it happened to me too and even though i tried reloading the game several times the trucks still keep turning around before delivery

Is the issue that you’ve built a new, road connected delivery site and that the truck is not going there? Because you can always build a contractor drop off site and a delivery site instantly at the lowest part of the map (the road area you cant delete).

If you have built a delivery site there and the trucks cannot make it, then its a bug and I’d need your saves to be able to fix it! :slight_smile:

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I sent it on bug list

Do you remember what number it had? On the form of ACEO-1337.

Yep, I can corroborate @BBoyJD10 bug. Moved the delivery drop-off site to another location, demolished the old one, but the delivery truck just turn around.

here are the screenshots,i placed the delivery site on the bottom of the road

Allright, well I’d really like to look at your save. Can you send it in via a bug report?

ok done

(ACEO-2956) (this is the number)

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The issue has been fixed and will be available in the next deployment, thank you for submitting the bug! :slight_smile:

thank you :smiley: .This game has so many responsible devs like you

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Thank you for having this resolved. You are doing a really great job :slight_smile:

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seems as if that bug has rosen from the dead…

building a new delivery site at lowerst end of street didn’t help…


Edit: think this is the proper thread: Delivery trucks find not delivery location - #4 by sirhc80

Hi i was having the same problem where i built a road connected a delivery site to it then deleted the old one, without realizing that the road wasn’t build yet so the trucks couldn’t get to the delivery site to build the road, but i found a fix. place a delivery site at the bottom of the map. but you’ll need to place a contractors site opposite or next to it.

I think this is the reason why you can’t delete the 7 first patch of road inside the map and the contractor/delivery site are free and don’t need contractor to build them, so that whatever you do, you still have the possibility to call the contractors.
Along with zones and taxiway path, contractor/delivery site are the only entity to have no construction or operating cost, to avoid to messed up over a non return point (and zone don’t need to cost anything anyway, though one could argue that taxiway marking does).
Though technically you can end-up with no runway or not enough taxiway/taxiway (exit/entry)/stands, no more money and no loan available too, but you almost did it on purpose at this point.

Hi !

I have the same problem in the A33.5-4: the delivery trucks suddenly decided to turn around when they arrive in the airport area… I was building a big terminal in sandbox mode with around 20 gates, and I can’t make any construction…
The issue key is ACEO-19531

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